
Life is full of tough choices, but this isn’t one of them.

Colonial Life makes selecting the right coverage easier and less stressful. With your trusted Colonial Life agent you can tailor Colonial Life choices to meet your specific needs and enhance your existing coverage. Choose the options you want and ignore the rest.

Here’s how Colonial Life can help

Colonial Life offers our best selection of hospital-related benefits to help with the expenses not covered by major medical, which can help prevent high deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses from derailing your life plans.

If choosing the right coverage has given you one giant headache in the past, don’t worry. We’re here to help.

Why Colonial Life may be the right policy for you

  • It’s customizable. You choose the plan that’s right for you based on your specific needs. It also works well with our other products.

  • Guaranteed-issue options available—that means there is no medical questionnaire required.

  • We pay cash directly to you (unless you tell us otherwise)—not the doctor or hospital.

Rates starting at $7.84/Paycheck

Rates vary based on plan option selected an other factors.

Medical Bridge_GMB 7000 Plan 1.pdf
Medicare Notice - Medical Bridge Hospital Endemnity.pdf